You write so many great zingers hard to pick one to begin my comments! Although I agree with your views on American support, etc., you talk about Russia as if it 1) still had a young population large enough to wage war 2) had a propaganda system strong enough to get all Russians to fight and 3) can afford to manage Ukraine even if it given to them.
You said it best when you said Ukraine does more to frighten Europeans about American resolve than anything else. The media likes to say Russia might cut off gas from Europe. The real fear from Russia is Europe may not buy enough of it in the future.
I believe the U.S. and Europe are going back to the old Middle East playbook. Everyone can fight there.
Germany has taken in many immigrants. Immigrants that WILL fight to the death for their new homeland. Putin is winning so far, as you rightly point out, but pushed to far, and Germany and Poland (with some assist from France) will draw whatever border they want with Russia.
The danger of Russia isn't her strength, but her weakness, insecurity. After that, all you said applies.